Professor Dr. Mahim Ranjan Adhikari (M. R. Adhikari)
- About: Professor Dr M R Adhikari (MAHIMA RANJANADHIKARI) is a retired Professor of Pure Mathematics at the University of Calcutta. He stood first class first and is a recipient of Gold Medal and Prize from the University of Calcutta. He was awarded PhD degree from the same University.He has published several research papers and eight textbooks on basic mathematics and edited two Research Monographs(including three published by Springer). His published work has been referred in many books of foreign authors and cited internationally in many research papers. He is on the Editorial board of several international journals. He successfully completed several research projects funded by Govt. of India. He has visited several institutions in India, USA, Russia,UK, Greece, Switzerland, Italy, Japan, Sweden, France, China, Turkey, Bangladesh,Malaysia, Nepal and many other countries on invitation. He has successfully guided twelve PhD students working in nine different areas of mathematics for the award of PhD degree. He has adjudicated many Indian and Foreign PhD and acted as an expert of several selection committees for the recruitment of faculty members of different Institutions of India. He was elected the President of the Mathematical Sciences Section of the 95th Indian Science Congress, 2008. He is the Founder President of the Research Institute “Institute for Mathematics, Bioinformatics, Information Technology and Computer Science (IMBIC)” having branches in Sweden and Japan. He gave a Plenary talk at the International Conference PIRT 2017, July 3-6, 2017, Moscow, Russia organized jointly by Russian Science Academy, Liverpool University and Bauman University of Technology, Moscow witha member of its Program Committee ( He gave an invited talk at Mathematical Sciences Section and also organized a symposium on “Information Science towards securing Digital India Program” at 105th Indian Science Congress, Manipur University, India.
- Position:
- President (Honorary), Institute for Mathematics, Bioinfinormatics, Information-technology and Computer-science (IMBIC),
- Vice-President (Honorary), The Institute of Polymath, Nagoya, Japan.
- Highest Degree:
- Ph.D.
- Email:
- Research Interest:
- Algebra, Category Theory, History of Mathematics and Algebraic Topology
- Past Positions:
- Professor, Department of Pure Mathematics, Calcutta University, India.
- President, Mathematical Sciences(including Statistics) Section, 95th Indian Science Congress (2007-2008),
- Secretary, Calcutta Mathematical Society.
- Professor, Department of Mathematics, Burdwan University, West Bengal, India.
- Assistant Professor, of Mathematics Presidency College, Kolkata, and Hooghly Mohsin College, West Bengal,
- Academic qualifications:
- Stood First Class First in the M.Sc Examination of Calcutta University, in Pure Mathematics in 1966 and received Ph.D Degree from the same University
- Research project:
- Research Project: He has successfully completed Interdisciplinary project work (2007- 2009) jointly with Dr Avishek Adhikari, Dr Rajat Bandyopadhya at Calcutta University funded by the Ministry of Communication & IT, Govt. of India.
- Book Writing Project: His project book “Basic Algebraic Topology and its Applications” funded by SERB-DST, Govt. of India under USERS Scheme for retired scientist, is published by Springer in 2016.
- Ongoing Project: The manuscript of his on-going writing of another book“Basic Topology with Applications in Modern Analysis, Geometry and Algebra”, funded by Higher Education Department, Govt. of West Ben-gal, is almost ready for its possible publication by Springer.
- Teaching / Research experience:
- Over 50 years.
- Publication of Books:
- Basic Algebraic Topology and Its Applications, Springer, 2016 - Editor:: Mathematical and Statistical Applications in Life Sciences and
Engineering - (jointly with Avishek Adhikari), Basic Modern Algebra with Applications, Springer, 2014 81-322-1598-1 - (jointly with B. C. Chatterjee, S. Ganguly) A Text Book of Topology, Asian Books Private Limited, New Delhi, 2002.
- (jointly with Avishek Adhikari), Groups, Rings and Modules with Applications, Universities Press, 2003.
- (jointly with Avishek Adhikari), Text Book of Linear Algebra : An Introduction to Modern Algebra, Allied Publishers, 2004.
- (jointly with Avishek Adhikari), Introduction to Linear Algebra with Application to Basic Cryptography, Asian Books Private Limited, 2007.
- Papers:
- More than 60 in Indian and foreign Journals.
The research work of Dr. M.R. Adhikari on algebra, algebraic topology, algebraic geometry, category theory and Lie groups has added some materials to the corresponding literature and contributed to the existing knowledge on the related topics. At least 20 of them have been referred in four foreign books of International Standard. - Research guidance:
- He has successfully guided twelve PhD students working in nine different areas of mathematics, adjudicated many Indian and foreign PhD theses and worked as an external expert of several selection committees for recruitment of faculty members of different institutions in India.
- Academic Visits (Since 2002):
- University of Ulster, UK in 2002.
- Technical University of Istanbul, Turkey in 2002.
- Bolo University, Turkey in 2002.
- Aristotle University, Greece in 2002.
- University of Athens, Greece in 2002.
- University of Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2002.
- University of Roma 2, Rome, Italy in 2003.
- E.T.H., Zurich, Switzerland in 2003
- Chuo University, Tokyo,Japan in 2004
- Tohoku University Japan in 2004.
- Mejio University, Japan in 2004.
- Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan in 2004.
- Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan in 2004.
- Linkoping University, Sweden in 2005.
- Karlstad University, Sweden in 2005.
- Ecole Surprieure d'Elctriciti (suplec), France in 2005.
- University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh in 2007.
- University of Rajshahi and Khulna University, Bangladesh in 2008.
- Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Russia in 2017
- Academic interaction:
- Academic interaction with some world famous mathematicians:
- Professor R Henstock at University of Ulster, UK in 2002
- Professor S S Abhyankar in Kolkata in 2002 and 2006
- Professor B Eckmann at E.T.H., Zurich, Switzerland in 2003
- Professor P J Hilton at E.T.H., Zurich, Switzerland in 2003
- Professor Y Shikata in Japan in 2004 and in Kolkata in 2006